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Master Child Culture Design

Torstein Aas

Crafting play

Den här texten finns bara tillgänglig på engelska.

The project explores the possibilities for design of activities and adventure playgrounds as  arenas for more vital experience of self-initiated activities and play in the Norwegian school system. The background for the project is the influence of neoliberalism that has formed a school environment mostly dominated by academic learning activities and career-oriented goals.

Through hosting a series of workshops and interventions in an activity school in Oslo, I have explored the potential in playful craft to further children’s agency in the school environment and present them open-ended opportunities to act differently than what is usually encouraged in schools.

As a result of the process I have proposed a workshop method; Bygglek, whose goal is to distill the experiences of a traditional adventure playground into a temporary workshop and intervention that can exist within the school system. The workshop is intended as a traveling workshop-series but can also take place in different formats.