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MFA Jewellery Art

Anna-Maria Saar

Photographer: David Eng

Photographer: David Eng


Photographer: David Eng

Photographer: Stefano Conti

Photographer: Stefano Conti

Photographer: Stefano Conti


Photographer: David Eng

Photographer: Stefano Conti

Status Maintenance Jewellery  a.k.a. The Women’s Works


“With jewellery you can comment on a social situation or demonstrate an attitude without having to raise your voice.” (Jorunn Veiteberg)

The woman’s work is well done when it is not noticed. (Estonian saying)

My work is tapping into the power that the silent maintenance has over active commentary. Yielding, soft, hidden, continuously done, thus resilient, rooted and radical. Weaved in, stitched in and patched brooches on four personal garments. They are done from the perspective of (women´s) handicraft and are combining techniques from repair discipline. Yet they are jewellery, as holding this space where the comments on a social situations or demonstrations of attitude can happen.

During the period of two years I do not buy any clothes but maintain what I have. These works are part of it.

Cotton vest & hosiery threads. Weaving. Twenty repairs and two holes.

Silk top & silk patch & silk fibers. Thread-making, running stitch, sashiko stitch. Three repairs.

Hosiery & hosiery threads. Weaving, Swiss Darning. One repair and two holes.

Wool blouse & cotton thread. Weaving. Thirty-four repairs and four holes.

