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MFA Child Culture Design

Betty Wallingford

Photo Ivar Brandels

Photo Luke De Jage

Photo Ivar Brandels

Photo Ivar Brandels

Photo Ivar Brandels

Amelia Dray

The Bureau of Forgotten Things


The Byrå för Glömda Saker is a child culture design group, aged five to twenty-eight, who have worked together over eight months at the heritage site, Lilla Änggården, in Gothenburg. Situated within the fields of Child Culture Design and Critical Heritage Studies, this project explores how children engage with heritage, and how they feel free (or not free) to contribute their own imaginations to those narratives. It is also a project about design – how design could strengthen the relationship between children’s imaginations and cultural heritage, and support children’s right to participate in the care and construction of their history.

Over the course of the year, we have explored Lilla Änggården and gotten to know the real and imagined stories of the house and those who have lived there. We have talked to trees and uncovered shards of porcelain two-hundred years old. We have seen the inside of the old house, and have met its caretaker. We have built our own place in the forest – our research station – to be used and transformed by the Byrå now and in the future. The outcomes of this project include new methods for working with heritage environments, designed tools and infrastructure – most substantial being our research station – and lastly, one of the most important outcomes of the Byrå was the Byrå itself – our identity, culture, and the group of individuals that brought it together.