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MFA Photography

Alberto Rossi





Imaginary Index


L’opinione, 2016

Wallpaper print, 140×200 cm

Untitled, 2022

HD video, 10 min/loop

Imaginary Index #3, #20, #6, 2021 – ongoing

Framed inkjet prints on plain paper, 42×47 cm

etc. etc. (Dreams of Matter), 2022

Accordion photobook (dummy), 64 pages, inkjet printed on Matte and Semigloss paper,
dimensions variable, MDF boards 337×227 cm

Imaginary Index #3, #20, #6, 2021 – ongoing

Framed inkjet prints on plain paper, 42×47 cm
etc. etc. (Dreams of Matter), 2022
Accordion photobook (dummy), 64 pages, inkjet printed on Matte and Semigloss paper,
dimensions variable, MDF boards 337×227 cm


Alberto Rossi is a multimedia artist from Vicenza, Italy, working with photographic series, digital images, analogue collages, notes, and printed matter. His interest is for the mundane and ordinary things encountered in the proximate surroundings – how their
presence can be processed and displayed. He is attentive to urban elements and the presumed division between the cultural and the biological.
In this installation, Rossi exhibits 4 works exploring how the multiple and fluid meanings of images can be activated. Through juxtapositions, texts, books and foldable objects, the
artist creates connections between found things, leaps of imagination, and dialogues between form and content by working with single images as well as with ensembles of
