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Kandidat Fotografi

Josefine Velling

You and I in a Bed of Salt

Den här texten är bara tillgänglig på engelska


Pigment Print on Wallpaper, Pigment print 3x 50×50 & 6x 15×15, Vinyl

The form obscures the landscape, leaving it blurry

taking up the space of all that was once there

It’s the worm catching its own tail

It’s the way that I feel skinless,

I am waiting for it to start over


Contrary to the socially constructed image of the rapist as a stranger, in the majority of sexual assaults, the victim already knew the perpetrator in one way or another.

You and I in a Bed of Salt is a dissection of the complex experiences and emotions survivors of sexual violence are left with. Violence, pain, but also ambivalence is given form. Cutting, burning, gluing, and sowing into the negatives, each one of them are displayed as a place of conflict.


020-50 50 50