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Kamilla Mez

User interacting with the AR app on site.
Photographer: Pablo van Blaster

Island of information' containing 1st edition of Nya Konst: Open Source Publication (100 pieces).

Interaction with the Open Source Publication.
Photographer: David Eng

Banner installation marking the ’island of information’.
Photo: David Eng.

Photo: David Eng

Nya Konst


Den här texten är bara tillgänglig på engelska


Nya Konst (New Art) is the name of the new HDK-Valand building that is going to be constructed just off Götaplatsen in the near future. A visual change in the city of Gothenburg of the merging of the two institutions, Valand Akademin and Högskolan för Konst och Design (HDK), known as HDK-Valand today. The name Nya Konst suggests a new approach to artistic production and schooling happening in Gothenburg—an institutional transformation not only happening in Sweden, but all the Nordic countries.

With this in mind, Kamilla Mez uses Augmented Reality (AR) technology to produce zones of autonomy and community. She has investigated how this technology can be implicated in questions regarding urban development and the conflations and complexities between identifiable private and public spaces. Her virtual archive on the future Nya Konst building includes reflections on the future of art education from current students and staff.

Together with this, she also produced a free publication, Nya Konst: Open Source Publication, with information for the readers to create their own AR spaces. At the graduation show Material Glitch at Göteborgs Konsthall, the publication was free to take from beneath the large banner flag made from white gauze – a reference to the digital banners in the AR app on site.

To experience the AR installation, the visitors could borrow iPhones from reception in the entrance of Göteborgs Konsthall.