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Kandidat Möbeldesign

Lasse Kannegieter

The Træna Chair

Den här texten finns bara tillgänglig på engelska.

For my Exam Project I travelled to the Norwegian Island community of Træna located right on the Artic Circle. Sailing the 50 kilometers over the Atlantic Ocean to these islands in a Februari storm I was in awe of the uncontrollable strength of the wind and the waves. This raw energy always moving demands deep respect and the people who live here must have a special mentality to survive and thrive in this harsh natural environment.

Rural areas like Træna are facing challenges. They are unequally affected by high unemployment, persistent poverty, deteriorated social well-being, lower earnings and diminished health care. On top of this, many rural communities are disproportionately affected by climate change. This has a negative effect on community stability. To stay alive and vibrant local communities have to initiate and invest in new projects and changes. Traena is doing exactly this with Traena 365; an architectural project and multi-purpose site that combines a museum, spa/sauna facilities and accommodation. For this I have designed a steam-bent chair that tells the story of Traena’s resilience, of Vikings and traditional boatbuilding techniques, searoutes, fishermen, prehistoric finds and extreme weather conditions; it tells the story of the importance of small communities throughout the world and the diversity they can offer. The Træna chair shows what focusing on cultural identity can bring to furniture design.

@ lasse.elsenburg